Is pandemic barrier to your learning?No worry No Cost
Enjoy virtual lessons and learning resources through K12India, And learn on your own pace and with self confidence.
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- Everyone deserves to learn and you can learn here for free.
- Learning has no age and should not be limited. Learning is made simpler and efficient to enhance smoother enhancing of new concepts.
- Homework is a nightmare for students when concepts are not understood, learning should be fun and exciting, this is made possible by K12India, get excited and complete your homework and remember to have some fun.
- Test yourself, get gradually better and remember what you have learned for upcoming tests and exams. Don’t stress and don’t get frustrated. Give your best and improve your grades.
- These methods will help kids learn and fully understand what they’re learning, making studies efficient and practical.
- Don’t understand what you see or hear, inbuilt dictionary and multiple language options to ease the learners.
- Online tutoring for students of class from 6th – 12 for the syllabuses ICSE, CBSE and SSC.
- We make the most annoying and terrifying subjects like Math, English, Science, Commerce, Accounts, easy and resilient.
- Special attention is given for competitive exams like + NEET/ JEE/IIT MAINS, as they are targeted by the 10th and 12th pass outs along with other subjects.
- Learning is basis of living and here it is at no cost. Teach with us for greater good.
- We look forward for collaborating with teachers who love to teach. Teaching is made possible in various formats digital lessons, video recordings, worksheets and old fashioned power point presentations.
- It is made easy to share, our resource portal is simple, self-explanatory and quick, make changed, upload and share your lessons with the whole world.
- K12India includes libraries and sections for class room lessons, easy to navigate, list, teach and segregate different classroom lessons, which makes it easier to search and concentrate one lesson at a time.
- It’s more than just watch and close, there are interactive tools which makes the digital classroom much easier to interact with and complete lessons.
- Learning needs to be reviewed and recollected as moving forward, teachers can easily and directly assign homework as required to help students grow and cherish.
- Teach multiple languages and be comfortable the way to express, multiple language options available.

- Adaptation is made easy and resources, we encourage organizations to adapt mindful and effective form of delivering education, available for everyone.
- As time proceeds so does the education system, not only teachers but parents also evolve while teaching the kids/learners, develop high understanding and comprehension with K12India and utilize it for the beneficiary of parents, students and teachers.
- Organization is the key for a developing, organizing your education is the key for better and improved education.
- Quality education is not easy to find nor easy to provide. K12India has set up a platform to provide education with high standards and effective methods to improve the skillset and learning pattern.
- The pattern in learning should be easy and organized, learning gaps are needed to fill and make the learning better every day. It is important to be able to find the relevant topics and to find the solution for all your educational problems.
- The more you study and practice, the better you will get. The resources are created in a way you can find the subjects, topics, lessons easily and study at your comfortable pace.
- Every student has its own way of studying, some like to read, some like to watch a video and some like to be thought one on one, all forms of convenient and interactive ways of leaning is made easy at your on speed.