
Personalized solutions for learning at all ages!

K12 is a self-studying and an easily guided platform which focuses on skill development and enhancement of understanding. This platform is beneficial for students and adults for learning outside the classroom. Various methodologies such as personalized learning dashboard, practice exercises and instructional videos are offered for better enhancement of subjects at their own pace.

There are numerous advantages and disadvantages of each form of learning, some prefer guided learning with instructors, videos and some just to learn and read in their own time without being monitored. All forms with extreme flexibility is now possible with K12India.

Set your schedule and stay strict with it or take enough brakes to refresh and get back to learning with full energy, everything is now possible in e-learning. It’s absolutely common with not being able to take notes and want to get back to the lesson, just mark or note down which lesson you want to repeat and access as many times as possible at your own speed. Spend time with your family, watch your favourite shows get better at what you’re studying with 24/7 access to your customized learning portal.

Due to COVID-19 outbreak, it is major distress and risky to get in public and in a closed atmosphere like a classroom, parents, elders and adults are being effected and mentally due to spread of contamination, but learning and exams are not going to wait nor get postponed for any longer, with K12Indian learning safety and social distancing got possible complete peace of mind.

Expenses are everywhere and we always try to cut down and seek ways to save money, saving money on education, excessive classroom supplies and majorly transportation, alongside with the K12India android application there isn’t necessity to buy a laptop or a PC.

We tackle math, computing. Science, economics, art history and much more including and not limited to K-14 and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT).

We focus on skill proficiency to help learners comprehend and develop strong foundations, so there’s no limit for learning and empowering.

Learn as much as you can and find way to implement and remember, education is the best investment you can make and it’s for free here!