Videos for class 7

Ch 1 Reading Maps of Different kinds Class 7 social studies
7 class social studies video on Maps of Different kinds
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Ch 2 Rain and Rivers Class 7 Social studies
7 class Social studies video on Rain and Rivers
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Ch 3 Tanks and Ground Water class 7 Social studies
7 class Social studies video on Tanks and Ground Water
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Ch 4 Oceans and Fishing Class 7 Social studies
7 class Social studies video on Oceans and Fishing
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Ch 7 Handicrafts and Handlooms Class 7 Social studies
7 class Social studies video on Handicrafts and Handlooms
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Ch 8 Industrial Revolution Class 7 Social studies
7 class Social studies video on Industrial Revolution
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Ch 9 Production in a Factory A Paper Mill Class 7 Social studies
7 class Social studies video on Production in a Factory A Paper Mill
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Ch 10 Importance of Transport System Class 7 Social studies
7 class Social studies video on Importance of Transport System
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Ch 11 New Kings and Kingdoms class 7 social studies
7 class Social studies video on Kings and Kingdoms
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Ch 12 The Kakatiyas Emergence of a Regional Kingdom class 7 social studies
7 class Social studies video on The Kakatiyas Emergence of a Regional Kingdom
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Ch 13 The kings of Vijayanagara class 7 social studies
7 class Social studies video on The kings of Vijayanagara
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Ch 15 Establishment of the British Empire in India class 7 social studies
7 class Social studies video on Establishment of the British Empire in India
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Ch 16 Making of Laws in the State Assembly Class 7 social
Making of Laws in the State Assembly class 7
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Ch 17 Implementation of Laws in the District Class 7 social
Implementation of Laws in the District class 7
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Ch 18 Caste Discrimination and the Struggle for Equalities Class 7 social
Caste Discrimination and the Struggle for Equalities class 7
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Ch 19 Livelihood and Struggles of Urban Workers Class 7 social
Livelihood and Struggles of Urban Workers class 7
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Ch 21 Devotional Paths to the Divine Class 7 social
Devotional Paths to the Divine class 7
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