1 Circles Class 12 Mathematics 2B Exercise- 2

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Circles Class 12 Mathematics 2B Ex 2

Last Updated On: 29-Oct-2021Posted On: 10-Aug-2021

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This video contains theory as well as problems with solutions. The topic covered in this video is Circles from Intermediate mathematics -2B. The concepts covered in this video are:

The expression x^2+y^2+2gx+2fy+c=0 isdenoted by 'S', Circle in a plane, conditions of circle in a plane,Locate the position of point with respect to circle s=0, Find the power of the point 'p' with respect to circle s=0, Find the length of tangent from'p' to the circle s=0, Find the equation of the locus. Circles based on NCERT. Circles based on SCERT.


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