0 Fundamental Duties in Indian Constitution

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Fundamental Duties in Indian Constitution

Last Updated On: 17-Oct-2021Posted On: 03-Oct-2021

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By using article 352 0:42 prime minister indira gandhi advised the president Fakruddin Ali Ahmed that emergency should be implemented immediately Jay Prakash Narayan Sampoorna Kranti movement was started Major changes in the constitutions FINOLOGY Legal in 1975 indian government felt down Sardar Swaran singh Committee 42nd ammendment act 1976 51A Fundamental duties National Flag and National Anthem Defend the country & serve the nation towards in all the spheres 4:01 FD=Applicable on Citizen Warning against anti-social Activities Reminding of their duties Promote Dicipline and committee Burning Flags Dis respect of the constitution Non-Enforceable rights Article 51(A-G) Wild Life Protection Act and Forest Conservation Act


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