0 Grass root panchayat raj topic

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Grass root Political Panchayat Raj Institutions

Last Updated On: 12-Oct-2021Posted On: 08-Oct-2021

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The grassroots level is called the Panchayati Raj System. If democracy means people's participation in running their affairs, then it is nowhere more direct, clear and significant than at the local level, where the contact between the people and their representatives, between the rulers and the ruled is more constant, vigilant and manageable. Lord Bryce believed: "The best school of democracy and the best guarantee for its success is the practice of local self - government". Decentralization is a main mechanism through which democracy becomes truly representative and responsive (Dhaliwal, 2004). The 73rd amendment to the Indian Constitution (1992) clearly prescribes that the Panchayats should be institutions of self-overnment through which powers are devolved to the people as to the participation in the process of planning for economic development and social justice, and implementation of schemes and programmes for these purposes. To strengthen and enhance the efficiency of local governance, PRIs were structured and designed as three tier system. The base of this pyramidal structure is the gram sabha (or village assembly), composed of all citizens eligible to vote, and so the foundation of grassroots democracy. Whatever the case, the grass roots level institutions are vital instruments in the process of development to lower levels and these processes are quicker as and when common people identify themselves as active partners. There are so many facets to the issue of grassroots governance and development in India and it is very important because of more than 65 percent of India's population comes from rural areas and its fortune and future are determined by these PRIs.


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