1 National Income Class 11 Economics

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National Income Class 11 Economics

Last Updated On: 18-Sep-2021Posted On: 18-Sep-2021

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This video contains 11 class Economics theories with a clear explanation. The topic covered in this video is National Income from 11 class Economics. The concepts covered in this video are:

The circular flow of income, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP), Measuring of GDP, The product or Output Approach, The Expenditure Approach, The Income Approach, Nominal Income, Real Income, Per Capita Income, Measure of economic growth rate, As a measurement of the standard of living, Comparision of Economic performance and standard of living among nations, Assist in Government planning, Measure of the contribution of economic sector, Problems in calculating and shortcomings of national income, non-market transaction, The underground economy, Composition and distribution of output, Inadequate Information, The Danger of double counting. National Income-based on NCERT. National Income-based on SCERT


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