0 Production and Employment 10 class social studies

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Production and Employment 10 class social studies

Last Updated On: 03-Nov-2021Posted On: 01-Feb-2021

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This video contains 10 class social studies theory with a clear explanation. The topic covered in this video is Production and Employment from social studies 10 class. The concepts covered in this video are:

Introduction to Production and Employment, Note, Gross domestic product, How do we estimate GDP, Value of good sold at each stage, Changes in the important of sectors, Goods in market, What do services comprise of ?, Employment - the working life in india, example, Organised and unorganised sector employment in india, Small scale industries, Head load worker, GDP, Governament, Industries, The islands, indira point.

Production and Employment based on NCERT (CBSE,ICSE) | Onlinek12india | Production and Employment based on SCERT (State syllabus) | Onlinek12india |


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