0 Rampur A Village Economy Class 10 Social

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Rampur A Village Economy class 10 Social

Last Updated On: 03-Nov-2021Posted On: 01-Feb-2021

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This video contains theory part This video is about Rampur A Village Economy from Social The concepts covered in this video are: The story of rampur village, Land and other natural resources, Measuring land, Land distribution in rampur, Organization of production, Raw materials and money required, Labour for the farm, Capital: Arranging physical and working capital, Surplus or loss for the farm, Diary-The other common activity, Small-Scale manufacturing in rampur, Transport a fast developing sector, Summing up. Rampur A Village Economy Class 10 Social SCERT (State syllabus) | Onlinek12india | Rampur A Village Economy Class 10 Socia NCERT (CBSE,ICSE) | Onlinek12india |


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