0 Telangana Agitation 1969 civics

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Telangana Agitation 1969

Last Updated On: 14-Oct-2021Posted On: 14-Oct-2021

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This topic covered in this video are: Telangana Agitation 1969 civics intermediate second year, Consequently the violation of Gentlement;s Agreement Particularly the violation of Mulki Rules cumulatively resulted in the emergence of separate telangana agitation in 1969, Non Implementation of Gentlemen Agreement, Continuation Discrimination on Telangana, Telanagana land should be under the purview of TRC, Diverting Surplus of Telangana Funds, Discrimination on the telangana people, Negligence of Commities reports on Telangana Surplus grants, Large scale of migration of Andhra People, Unimportant Portfolis, In this background, protest movement started at OU againts appointment of Andhraites in Telangana Posts, Spreaded with in no time to all over telangana region, KTPS Appointed many andhra people on 9 january 1969 a student named Ravindranath started indefinite strike at Palvancha, Soon all section of people joined the movement.


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