0 Movements of mulki judgement in Telangana State

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The Reaction of Mulki Judgement

Last Updated On: 21-Oct-2021Posted On: 21-Oct-2021

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[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]In 1952, students led an agitation against non Mulkis or non locals (mulki meaning locals). The popular slogans were [i]Ghair Mulki go back[/i] or [i]Non-Mulki go back[/i][/size]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]The details of the agitation in Hyderabad and its consequences are given below:[/size]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]On 29 August 1952, in protest of the lathi charge in Hanamkonda High School, students in Hyderabad organised a rally from Saifabad college. The number of rallies and protests in Hyderabad increased over the next 2 to 3 days.[/size]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]On 1 September 1952, the then Police commissioner of Hyderabad, Shiva Kumar Lal of Hyderabad Civil Services requested the parents and teachers to stop the students from getting involved in any violence through a public announcement. He also issued a warning that any violence would be dealt with serious police action.[/size]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]On 2 September 1952, massive rallies were organised across the state in which the students raised the following slogans:[/size]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]1. Non –Mulkis Go Back[/size]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]2. Idli – Sambar Ghar ko Jao[/size]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]3. Students Union Zindabad[/size]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]In certain places the rallies resulted in lathi charge.[/size]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]On 3 September 1952, the Police Commissioner issued orders prohibiting rallies, meetings and so on.[/size]

[b][size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]CITY COLLEGE INCIDENT:[/size][/b]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]About the college: The Nizam Mahbub Ali Khan, Asaf Jah VI of Hyderabad established the first city school in the name "Madarsa Dar-ul-uloom" as early as 1865, later Nizam Osman Ali Khan, Asaf Jah VII, converted it into a City High School. The school moved into the present grand building in 1921. Intermediate sections (F.A) of Osmania University with 30 students were introduced in 1921 under the supervision of the high school with Urdu as the medium of instruction. In 1929, the school was upgraded to a college and was named as "City College". It became a constituent college of Osmania University.[/size]

[b][size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]Date of Incident[/size][/b][size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122] – 3 September 1952[/size]

[size= 10.5pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: #202122]Students initially gathered to protest against the Warangal incident and later took out a rally which was joined by many commoners. Many politicians including Venkata Swamy, Mulchand Laxminaraya and Konda Laxman Bapuji tried to dissuade the students from taking out a rally but the students were resolvent.[/size]


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