1 Triangles from class 9 mathematics

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Triangles class 9

Last Updated On: 31-Oct-2021Posted On: 18-Sep-2021

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[size= 12.0pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif'; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; color: black]This video contains theory and problems with a clear explanation.[/size]

[size= 12pt] The topic covered in this video is [/size]Triangles from class 9 mathematics[size= 12pt].[/size]

[size= 12pt] The concepts covered in this video are:[/size]

Introduction to triangles, Types of triangles based on the sides, Equilateral triangle, Scalen triangle, Isosceles triangle, Right triangle, Acute triangle, Obtuse triangle, Median,Centroid, Altitudes, Orthocentre, Theorem on sum of three angles of a triangles is 180 degree, Problems on finding angles of a triangle, Problem on if the angles are given in the ratio then determine the three angles, Problem on transversal, bisectors, intersects.

Triangles from class 9 mathematics [size= 12pt]based on NCERT(CBSE).[/size]

Triangles from class 9 mathematics[size= 12pt] based on SCERT.[/size]


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